Have no fear, making marketing automation work for you can actually simplify and streamline all things.
It can be scary to learn something new. Especially when it seems the success of your entire job is riding on learning that new thing – and on it all going well.
Enter marketing buzzword of the day: Marketing Automation. Now, enter the feeling of being overwhelmed and stressed out. Despite all of its awesome potential, marketing automation can breed fear in even the most experienced and open-minded marketers. But, it doesn’t have to be that way.
In its most basic form, marketing automation is software designed to market to multiple channels and automate repetitive tasks. The challenge for most marketers, despite the fact that it can be overwhelming due to tons of advanced features and capabilities, is it’s usually quite expensive. What’s more, marketing automation can apply to many channels outside traditional digital mediums.
Most mid-sized credit unions could use their entire budget on the monthly subscription cost alone – and then they are left to spend hours upon hours reading how-tos, watching tutorials, and contacting support for help on how to actually use the tools and features. And if they can’t, or don’t want to, learn how to use all the tools, credit union marketers are still left outsourcing most of the design, coding, and other specialized needs to a third party company. Read: More money out the door.
Making Marketing Automation Work for You, on a Budget
Although it can be, marketing automation doesn’t have to be complicated. Bonus? You don’t need expensive software to automate many of your marketing tasks.
Application Programming Interfaces, known as APIs, enable most digital programs to “talk” to each other. With our LEADS Program, we can easily set up the following system without expensive software taking a chunk of your budget every month. Here’s how it works:
1. Google Display Ads: Google Ads run on the Google Display Network. When a member clicks the ad, they are sent to a landing page.
2. Landing Page + Form: Landing page content intrigues the member enough to complete a form with personal information in exchange for an incentive.
3. Email Software Database: Data from the completed form is sent to a database, which instantly kicks off a series of targeted emails.
4. Multi-Part Email Series: Emails are delivered to targeted members over a set period of time.
Leading You Toward Marketing Automation Success
With a little bit of know-how, the marketing automation system above can be created with ease, and without expensive software. That’s why we created the LEADS Program in the first place – so you’re up and running in no time and aren’t left sorting through tutorials on how to code a simple email.
As with most things, the key with marketing automation is to keep it simple. Once you get comfortable with a component of the program, you can begin to enhance it at a pace that works for you and your credit union.
Marketing Automation Simplified
All of our Marketing Systems contain an enhanced version of marketing automation that extends outside just the digital realm.
With your own Marketing Advisor, you’ll be able to automate a variety of tasks including mailings, campaigns, recurring ads and more. Interested? Let’s Chat.