By giving your content a more robust promotional approach, you can help avoid stagnant (ahem, ignored) messages.

If you’re running a quarterly campaign, you already understand the value that bringing attention to a specific product or service has on helping increase member usage, acquiring new accounts and/or loans. Ready to take it to the next level? Here’s how.

After seeing the same ad or message repeatedly, your members will naturally tune them out – especially true in instances the message doesn’t relate to a member’s specific need.

Credit union members typically fall into three buyer categories:

  • Price
  • Convenience
  • Service

If your promotion focuses solely on one category, you could be alienating members focused on the others. That’s why our PROMOTE Program utilizes campaign themes – a simple approach that takes the specific product or service you want to promote and gives it longevity and expanded reach by appealing to all buyer categories.

Topics: Instead of promoting new auto loans, make your entire campaign auto-related and include broader topics including refinances and complimentary products/services.

Messages: Articles and tips can spark interest in ways that specific ads may not. In our auto-related example, a full spectrum of messages could include:

  • Dealership Tips & Tricks
  • Financing Gimmicks
  • Educating on GAP & Extended Warranties
  • Highlighting the Importance of a Pre-approval
  • How to Use Auto Loan Calculators
  • Tips for Buying Pre-owned
  • Why & How Refinancing Works … and the Benefits

Materials: Lobby posters, online advertising, social media posts, and other mediums can be designed with specific messaging for each buyer category. Then rotate these materials throughout the campaign to display different messages to different members via online channels, in branch or via print.

All it takes is a little planning and reallocation of your marketing resources to give life to your good ideas – empowering your campaigns to grow and reach more people over the lifetime of your promotion. Don’t let a tired, singularly-focused message become your marketing kryptonite.


DO MORE with Your Campaigns

By focusing on a single buyer category (with credit unions, this is typically price), you alienate portions of your members that may be seeking your service or solution. With a few tweaks to your marketing approach, you’ll expand your audience and better engage those members.

Our PROMOTE Program utilizes a combination of Campaign Themes and Continuous Marketing to BOOST your marketing influence and achieve more results. Interested? Let’s Chat.